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By a coincidence I attended "The Body Language Workshop "on 11th July ,2015 by Dr.USHY, then a stranger of my own will power at 61 years knowing very well that with my left ear nerve totally defunct-Cochlear Implant having failed and my right ear hearing being 50% with hearing aid it would be impossible for me to hear not more than 20% of the conversation. .For balance and equilibrium of the body hearing from both ears is a must . I retired as Deputy General Manager Finance from a Punjab Govt.Undertaking at Chandigarh in March 2012 and am addicted to my laptop.since then. Withdrawal symptoms are quite normal without hearing. The teacher, a very simple,smiling and emotional lady just seeing my hearing aid and anxiety on face noticed my hearing problem and her face reflected empathy of a doctor and offered me the best possible seat in front of her .Luckily the room was sound proof .not very big one ,participants were kept below 45 for better interaction.within 5-6 minutes she made a personal rapport with every one by giving her own introduction . Clips were also being displayed while she was operating laptop.She explained things in such a funny and interesting way that appealed to all, .She is very humorous and funny ..She kept the participants involved for three hours -teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourth theater .. She is very dynamic,creative and innovative.,erudite speaker .Her positive energy has been restored /conserved at least from her three previous births...Her psychological personal touch,mind expertise ,her motivation is unique.One person may be wrong in judging a person but when my wife who recently retired as Vice Principal from a Govt.Sr.Sec School from Chandigarh ,one of the participants also asserts the same thing I can say surely and boldly " no teacher in India can train the participants so well " She did not know whether she was working or playing ,using her body or mind , ,exchanging information or just recreating. .She announced that any of the participants could come near to her in front of all by exploring his body language while live videography was going on .The aspirant was told that he would get written feedback from all other participants. Other participants were to fill the form for feedback spontaneously..A topic was given to each aspirant which he was to complete in one minute.I wonder how her aura ,magnetic attraction and motivation inducted the electric impulse ,energy & instinct in me that I too stood up and did participate in that Acid Test not compulsory. I know I was smiling and was not anxious but my body language was below average. Debate -GD must for admission to any field were also conducted . .At the end she gracefully accepted my request to thank her great motivator/speaker or leader. .This time,to me, my performance-body language,smile,eye contact ,content and voice was far far better which increased my self esteem . Drastic and surprise change in one and half hour after my first performance I did face some hearing problem during the workshop also but that did not bother me. This is my life time achievement and the three hours would remain unforgettable -most cherishing moments.I laughed from my heart loudly . I will go on speaking publicly whenever possible with confidence and body mind and keep myself and my family happier.This is my commitment to my unparalleled teacher. She really wants the world to be better place and people to be happier.She is highly spiritual as I gathered from her Meditation session just after the first workshop.Just after 15 minutes her topic was entirely different Raj Kumar Jindal,B.COM,LLB,CWAI(I).
An advertisement in Times of India about Body Language Workshop to be conducted by Dr.USHY happened to be a fortunate coincidence for me.I dared to attend the same of my own will power at 61 years knowing very well that with my left ear nerve totally defunct-Cochlear Implant having failed and my right ear hearing being 50% with hearing aid it would be impossible for me to hear not more than 20% of the conversation. .For balance and equilibrium of the body hearing from both ears is a must.Chances of increase of my anxiety and reduction of self esteem by participation were more than per my past experiences. . I retired as Deputy General Manager Finance from a Punjab Govt.Undertaking at Chandigarh in March 2012 and am addicted to my laptop.since then. Withdrawal symptoms are quite normal without hearing .We have shifted to Bangalore recently where my son MBA from IIM Calcutta and BE Computer is working..Just reaching the venue . I introduced myself to a very simple ,emotional lady -who surprisingly turned out to be the teacher herself..She just seeing my aid and anxiety on face noticed my hearing problem and her face reflected empathy and offered me the best possible seat in front of her .I had to try 2-3 different seats. Luckily the room was sound proof .not very big one ,participants were kept below 45 for better interaction. within 5-6 minutes she made a personal rapport with every one by giving her own introduction . Clips were also being displayed while she was operating laptop.She explained things in such a funny and interesting way that appealed to all, the young, the middle aged , old one ,ladies and gents .She is so humorous and witty...She kept the participants involved for three hours -teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourth theater.Director of a movie simply keeps the audience involved .Do we ever have to remember the story of a film ?This is what she did. She is very dynamic,creative and innovative.Her positive ,pure energy has been restored /conserved at least from her three previous births...Her psychological personal touch,mind expertise ,her motivation is unique.One person may be wrong in judging a person but when my wife who recently retired as Vice Principal from a Govt.Sr.Sec School from Chandigarh ,one of the participants also asserts the same thing I can say surely and boldly " no teacher in India can train the participants so well " She announced that any of the participants could come near to her in front of all without exploring his body language while live videography was going on .The aspirant was told that he would get written feedback of all other participants. Other participants were to fill the form for feedback spontaneously..A topic was given to each aspirant which he was to complete in one minute.I wonder how her aura ,magnetic attraction inducted the electric impulse ,energy & instinct in me that I too stood up and did participate in that Acid Test not compulsory.Less than 30% of participants opted for that. I know i was smiling and was not anxious but my body language was unsatisfactory.I forgot to collect my feedback .the same shall be sent to me on my mail id. Debate -GD must for admission to any field were also conducted . She did not know whether she was working or playing ,using her body or mind , ,exchanging information or just recreating. . At the end,I was granted permission to thank greater than greatest motivator/speaker or leader. .This time my performance-bodylanguage,smile,eye contact ,content and voice was far far better and increased my self esteem . Drastic and surprise change in one and half hour after my first performance I did face some hearing problem during the workshop also but that did not bother me..It was a great privilege for me to thank her .I BOW Down before her. This is my life time achievement and the three hours would remain unforgettable -most cherishing moments.I laughed from my heart loudly . I will go on speaking publicly whenever possible with confidence and body mind and keep myself and my family happier.This is my commitment to my unparalleled teacher. She really wants the world to be better place and people to be happier.She is highly spiritual as I gathered from her Meditation session just after the first workshop.Just after 15 minutes her topic was entirely different .She did wonders and that too without lunch Raj Kumar Jindal,B.COM,LLB,CWAI(I).
Dearest Ushy (PURE ENERGY), Your Powerful Presence is so Magnetic and Charismatic that it injects Life and brings tremendous Aliveness wherever You are. You Radiate Creativity, Comfort and Connection. You are very Powerful Communication AND VIBRATIONAL CREATOR. Keep Daring, Sharing and Caring. It an ultimate honour to know such a Divine, Humble, Kind and Giving soul. YOU INSPIRE me. Take a bow MASTER. Thank YOU. Thank YOU. Thank YOU.
When I started interacting with Dr Ushy on twitter a few months ago I quickly realized, I was dealing with an intellectual giant. Like everyone else who came into her contact I was mesmerized by the humanity and love she professed for her fellow human beings. I got a chance to attend one of her 'Alpha Mind Workshops'. I can honestly say this was a turning point in my life as a person and it led to some spiritual awakening in me. Today I am much more happier, positive and an action-oriented person thanks to Dr. Ushy. Her Alpha Mind Workshop was the best session I have ever experienced related to meditation. Her unique delivery style peppered with unusual insights into our cultural dogmas, poking fun with some irreverent barbs kept me focused and in good humor throughout the session. At the end of the session I was a different person. I was a transformed human being. My wife and daughter have noticed the change in me. In closing, just as Dr. Ushy notes live everyday to your fullest potential.
Against all odds, Dr. Ushy Mohandas brings hope, love, care & abundance of positive energy through Alpha Mind Workshops, her tweets & website.
Your website and your work is truly impressive. And your tweets are very motivational. Keep up the great work you do. Best wishes, Abhijit
Quick, to the point and driving the nail hard. Ushy is doing a great job in guiding people to find out who they really are, to look within and to listen to their own silence! Keep at it Ushy.... May many more benefit.
It was through a wonderful coincidence, through twitter in fact, that I first got to liaise with Dr. Ushy. The simplicity and folksy mannerisms of her took off any inhibition or skepticism that existed until then. Frequent conversations just concreted our friendship and I turned to her as a friend, philosopher and guide.It was only after visiting this website and engrossing the humongous qualities my friend possessed within her that I realized what a gargantuan friend I had gained in Dr. Ushy. She is a bundle of spontaneity, precise, factual and at the same time a hilarious character all packaged in one form. Her repository of knowledge and the desire to share and motivate others to a platform of well being is enormous and that itself speaks volumes of her basic character - that is share ! A philanthropist by nature, the web only depicts a quarter of her immense qualities. Her relentless participation in so many spectrums of social upliftment is beyond admiration. Like she quoted one of the Toastmaster's words about her - " you are the Bheeshma of Toastmasters" - is irrefutable! I wish her good health and enormous success in her endeavors. And, boy, am I proud to be a very close friend of such a talented individual!!! Good Luck to you Ushy in all your endeavors .
Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are... Happy to find you nearby... Unlike a diamond in the sky... That's U Ushy, for me. A display of how strong, how versatile, how full of abundant possibilities someone can be. Whoever has asked me, 'hey, whatssup, how are you?'...half the time has gone to paint a portrait of Ushy. Question may arise in any curious mind who reads this...what so special Subrata..? I would say, Ushy can make a difference by just being there. By Just...Being...There! On many occasions, I have gone to places just to see her. Just! And that little 'just: was enough! Thank you Ushy for being favorite dialogue. You mean a lot...
It's very rare to find a person of such stature and yet so very grounded. This is no flattery. Ushy is rarest of the rarest gems. Every moment I spend with her is a learning, a valued experience. She has lived it and done it all. She always mean well and is a power bank of knowledge and energy. It continues to be my blessing that I know her and get to learn from her. Thanks Ushy for ever being so kind and generous. Love you.
My Dear Best Friend , You are the Most Amazing person I have ever known. Your Work to the Humanity is the True Inspiration for One and All. Infinitely Blessed to have Your Guidance , Knowledge and your Grace. I Wish The Best To the BEST ( YOU )
I wish I can spend more time with her. And I wish I had known her earlier in my life. She means a lot more to me and subtly she changed a lot of things and thanks to her I am a better person and still lot of changes are taking place Inside. Hats of to you .
I have known Dr Ushy for past 6 years now. she has been a wonderful person to be a friend, a guide, a motivator and above all, a great human being!! Am always thrilled to know about the good work that she carries in varied segments, and her feats are worth an applaud!!
Ushy is a amazing, extremely talented lady and an enormous asset to all those who have attended her courses. I consider it a honour that she is a friend
Dear Ushy, it has been a pleasure meeting you everytime.... You are a live wire who emapthises, understands and you are also very compassionate with other human beings. . You are truly serving society in every way you can May God bless you and keep you going always...
Dr. Ushy is the most dynamic, dashing, dedicated,delightful doctor who helps us delve deep into our psyche and develop into decisive and determined human beings. On one hand she takes care of people's physical health and on the other, their emotional health. Dr. Ushy is an erudite speaker, often outspoken about her views. She keeps her audience enthralled with her wealth of knowledge. Most often we can see the audience laughing uproariously at her sharp repartee. One has to be attentive while she speaks lest one misses out on a quip or wit. I had the pleasure of interacting with her during my ToastMasters course. All the very best Ushy.
If there is anyone who can defy the law of conservation of energy... Then that person is Dr. Ushy Mohandas... No matter what you are going through, if you are low on energy, just meet her once and you will be on the top of your energy... Thanks a lot Ushy For what you have been to many including me...
Dear Dr. Ushy, Your thoughts are so refreshingly I always say #UMDa ( Good). 'UMDaQuotes' not only means Good Quotes, it also expands to read: Ushy Mohan Das Awesome Quotes !! Keep writing...keep inspiring... All the best....hameshaa !
Dear Dr Ushy, You're a cheerful, delightful & impactful person You've inspired both my personal & professional life. Your Alpha-mind workshops have been highly insightful, thoughtful & meaningful for exploring my inner-self. Your sessions have brought in a new direction & focus in my decision making. Thank you for emotional & moral support you provided in my hour of crisis You're simply wonderful. Thank you for being around as always
Ramchand C Bathija
Dr Ushy Mohan Das connotes to me as under when I think about her; An effective speaker with grace & polish to her speaking Can not stand fools! Knows fully & properly what is Ethics, Propriety. Equity, Protocol & Truth which majority seem to forget / overlook Will speak truth & correct without blinking an eye or thinking about " what is in it for me " which is rare to see as most people do this looking to their own personal aim only. To her, the pursuit of correct, proper, & truthful to be done always. Dr Ushy Mohan Das does it even at severe physical discomfort or even risk / threat to her limbs & life even being fully aware of the danger& inherent risks. Her calling clearly spade a spade may make her look like hard but has a strong mind with a compassionate heart My wish & prayer is not only that Dr Ushy Mohan Das achieves her aims so our Society gains, but may we have many more persons like Dr Ushy Mohan Das which is needed for our Society's future & for National good. I can write MUCH more but hope this will convey my connotation when I think about Dr Ushy Mohan Das. May, Dr Ushy Mohan Das your mission gets 'god blessed' speed & gets the results it deserves Regards,